Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jeannie Mair Wood Graham

Born: 1/24/1916
Died: 7/10/1999

Married to Mathew Ellis Graham
Married to Jerry Bean : 2/11/1989

1 comment:

  1. From Doug Wood on January 24, 2011:

    Following is the answer I was looking for but if you came up with another I would like to hear of it from you.

    In the year 1915 on January 24th just as WW I was heating up a baby girl was born to Andrew and Jeannie Wood in Aberdeen, Scotland; she was named after her mother Jeannie. Whether she was the first born to this couple or not I do not know as two other children died early in life. I guess though thyat child death was not unusual during this period of time.

    Early in life she and two of her younger siblings, Andrew and Bill migrated with their parents first to Canada then to America where the three remaining siblings were born, Bill, Peggy and yours truly, Life for the little family was meager as it was for many others in the depression years following WW I but having a steadfast father and a resourceful mother the family survived and flourished never fully realizing the depth of their poverty.

    Jeannie grew up a beautiful young and intelligent woman noted in the academic world for unique ability to describe things in glowing terms. For example our long, rutted, mud hole of a driveway was named by her and listed in the school directory as "Birchwood Drive". Later in life this gift served her well, aiding her rise to being the top reality sales office in Southern New England. Incidentally this achievement began on a shoe string with a few borrowed dollars and the use of her husband's pick-up truck when it was not being used for his business. As mentioned earlier she was very attractive and drew the attention of all the local young men. She was also an excellent swimmer, A trait that seems to have run in most of the family members.

    As a teen Jeannie enrolled as a student nurse at Goddard Hospital in Brockton. As reported in an earlier email, a funny incident happened when she and her sister Peggy were driving and doing errands near their home in Canton. As was not too unusual, Jeannie was driving and driving shall we say a little bit over the speed limit when apprehended by the local constable. Possibly stretching the truth a bit she explained that as a nurse she was on her way to the hospital responding to an emergency call. The explanation was accepted and no ticket was issued but the policeman insisted that he escort her with sirens blaring all twenty miles to the hospital and he waited there patiently as she sheepishly entered the front door prepared for duty on her day off.

    Enough for now. Maybe it is your turn? There certainly is enough to write several books about this flamboyant sister of mine. By the way, the above report was based solely on second hand information as the writer was sixteen years her younger brother. Thus I may be forgiven if there is an inaccuracy or two.

    Greetings on this special day.

    Morfar, Dad, Uncle Doug, me
